Thanks for visiting!
This site is currently a work in progress, so I apologize for any empty pages and broken stuff. Still, I'm so glad you're visiting! So please do take a look around and maybe leave a comment?
The credits page I was working on is now live. Now I'll be working on the Games page and maybe the Music one too.
Song of the week 
The credits page is now finished! I'll be adding stuff as I update my website.
Changed some stuff in the 'about' page and added a couple more buttons/links in the 'links' page!
I have a TamaNOTchi now! It's in the bottom-right corner of the page. Also, finally started adding links and buttons to my 'links' page, and some personality quizzes to my 'about' page.
I updated my About section, but I'll keep working on it. Also, just noticed that the iframes were not loading the proper fonts so I fixed that.
Added lists of videogames I like. Still working on them tho.
Also updated the update section lol.
Added a new bg and some buttons. But I'm not sure if I want them on the bottom or inside the sidebar. I'll figure it out tomorrow. Sidebar it is!
Added a little about me... in the about page.
Added a playlist and created a custom skin to match the site's theme.